Getting Started

Import the ImageDisplay class:

from image_display import ImageDisplay

Create an instance of ImageDisplay:

imDisplay = ImageDisplay()

and then add this widget to your GUI, eg. using addWidget.

To update the image display, call:


where img is either a 2D numpy array containing a monochrome image or a 3D numpy array containing a colour image with the third dimensions containing the red, green and blue channels.

Toggle the status bar visibility using set_status_bar, for example:


Toggle the zoom facility using the mouse scroll wheel (or pinch zoom) using set_zoom_enabled, for example:


Once zoomed you can pan by holding the middle or right mouse buttons.

Toggle the ability to draw a rectangular region of interest by holding the left mouse button and dragging using set_roi_enabled, for example:


You can set the colormap to be any Matplotlib colormap, for example:


You can choose whether or not the image intensity is autoscaled to use the full dynamic range using autoscale_enabled, for example:


Images are always displayed as 8bit images. If autoscale is set to True then the smallest and largest image pixel values will be mapped to 0 and 255 respectively. For colour images, all three channels are scaled in the same way.

If autoscale is set to False then no mapping will occur by default, the input image will simply be cast to an 8 bit unsigned image. This can be changed using set_display_range:

imDisplay.set_display_range(min, max)

Where image pixel values of min and below will be mapped to 0, and max and above to 255.