
ImageDisplayQT is a PyQT widget for live scientific image display in Python QT Graphical User Interfaces.

It was designed as a simple and lightweight widget that allows real-time display of images. Features include a status bar, with pixel value inspection, a draggable region of interest, zoom and pan, and several types of overlay. Monochrome images can be displayed using any colormap from matplotlib.

Install using:

pip install ImageDisplayQT

It is developed mainly by Mike Hughes’s lab in the Applied Optics Group, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kent. The package was originally developed for GUIs for in endoscopic microscopy, including fluorescence endomicroscopy and holographic endomicroscopy.

The project is hosted on github. Bug reports, contributions and pull requests are welcome.


Acknowledgements: Funding to Mike Hughes’s lab from EPSRC (Ultrathin fluorescence microscope in a needle, EP/R019274/1), Royal Society (Ultrathin Inline Holographic Microscopy).